Trained By His Enemies!

2 Chronicles 33:1-13

“Although the Lord warned Manasseh and his people, they refused to listen. So the Lord let the commanders of the Assyrian army invade Judah. They captured Manasseh, stuck hooks in him, put him in chains, and took him to Babylon. In his suffering, he became humble, turned to the Lord his God, and begged Him for help. God accepted Manasseh’s prayer and answered it….. this convinced Manasseh that the Lord was God.” 2 Chronicles 33:10-13

Manasseh followed the path of disaster. It was error, going after the disgusting practices of the heathen nations that God warned them against. He even built again, what his father had destroyed, doing terrible things to the point of even sacrificing his sons as offerings(vs 6).

His terrible acts make me wonder if he was ever taught the ways of the Lord in an intentional way. Did he just live in the palace with his father, enjoying the benefit of being a Prince without actually being shown the ways of the instructions of the Lord?

I don’t think so!

It looks like Manasseh just decided to choose his own ways rather than the ways of God.

Manasseh not only committed the sin but he also led the people of Judah to commit even greater sins than those committed by the nations around!

What a disaster!!!

Manasseh was even warned by God, but he disobeyed until the enemies caught up with him. It was only at this, that he humbled himself and turned back to God.

Why must Manasseh wait to be harassed and dealt with by the enemy before he could repent? This reminds me of the case of Samson as well. He could not think straight until his eyes were plucked out and then humiliated by his enemies (the philistines). It was only then, he repented.

As a believer, you don’t have to be trained by your enemy(Satan) before you know how to obey God. You don’t have to be chained, dragged or humiliated by the devil before you submit to God. That’s not God’s will for His servants or children. We only bring that upon ourselves when we live in disobedience.

How far easier it is, to obey God willingly and in peace than to turn to Him after you have been dealt with by the enemy.

May I not be trained by my enemy!

It was only after Manasseh had been to the training institute of his enemy that he was able to acknowledge God. That is not God’s plan for His children.
Allow the Holy Spirit teach you all things and not the devil.

Whatever level or position you attain in life, learn to honour God by obeying His instructions.

Live in obedience to the instructions of God. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee (with all his evil packages)

May you (& I) not be trained by our enemy. Amen!


(C)Funmi Adebayo

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