“But Hezekiah was too proud to show gratitude for what the Lord had done for him, and Judah and Jerusalem suffered for it.”
2 Chronicles 32:25(Goodnews Translation)

I was alarmed to read this in the scriptures recently. It probably came out to me this way because of the Bible version I used. This is not my first time of reading the book of Chronicles!

Studying the book of Chronicles in the past few weeks at our daily family devotion, gave me a fresh insight to the beauty of keeping records and preserving history.  It made me appreciate the fact that God keeps records of all the minutest details of our lives (whether good or bad. Even though when we ask, He forgives us for the wrong things we do, and wipes off the record! God forgives! He keeps no record of wrongs when we seek forgiveness. )

However, I also appreciate the fact that these records as in the case of Chronicles, are kept for posterity.

Truly, the scriptures are written for our learning! We must learn from records/history, what made some people successful and what made some fail or commit error. We must learn what/how to do and what/how not to do.
We must be students of the word…keep learning!

I personally believe that when it comes to the things of God, there is no climax to learning or growing in grace and in the knowledge of God. Regardless of how far we have gone, walking with God, there are things to still learn; and graces to still acquire and also things/habits/attitudes to unlearn!

Please, don’t ever get to the point where you think you know or have it all. Open up to the Spirit and He will keep teaching you.

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4

When we fail to read the Bible, we miss a lot and cheat ourselves. We must not allow the hustle and bustle of these last days rob us of the gains of searching the scriptures!

Ok, back to the main issue of my journal 😀:

Hezekiah was the one who committed an error. He failed to acknowledge God for all He did for him but both Jerusalem and Judah suffered for it.
This is alarming, though it does happen!

There are times we carelessly do some things which result in errors.

It however, sent me praying that God will keep me from becoming a victim of someone else’s error; that I will not be a partaker of someone else’s mistake; nor suffer for someone else’s foolish action or decision.

I pray also against error and mistakes in my life. I pray for God to guide, lead and direct my actions and decisions in life. I pray for Him to lead me away from the path of error, but to lead me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.(Psalm 23:3)

Hence the need to pray more for those who occupy positions of authority in our Nations, communities, workplaces, families and in our lives. We must therefore learn to pray against error & mistakes!

Note that if the pilot of an aircraft commits an error while flying, the consequences are not borne by him alone!

May you & I not become victims of someone else’s error or mistakes. Amen.


©️ Funmi Adebayo
“But Hezekiah was too proud to show gratitude for what the Lord had done for him, and Judah and Jerusalem suffered for it.”
2 Chronicles 32:25(Goodnews Translation)

I was alarmed to read this in the scriptures recently. It probably came out to me this way because of the Bible version I used. This is not my first time of reading the book of Chronicles!

Studying the book of Chronicles in the past few weeks at our daily family devotion, gave me a fresh insight to the beauty of keeping records and preserving history.  It made me appreciate the fact that God keeps records of all the minutest details of our lives (whether good or bad. Even though when we ask, He forgives us for the wrong things we do, and wipes off the record! God forgives! He keeps no record of wrongs when we seek forgiveness. )

However, I also appreciate the fact that these records as in the case of Chronicles, are kept for posterity.

Truly, the scriptures are written for our learning! We must learn from records/history, what made some people successful and what made some fail or commit error. We must learn what/how to do and what/how not to do.
We must be students of the word…keep learning!

I personally believe that when it comes to the things of God, there is no climax to learning or growing in grace and in the knowledge of God. Regardless of how far we have gone, walking with God, there are things to still learn; and graces to still acquire and also things/habits/attitudes to unlearn!

Please, don’t ever get to the point where you think you know or have it all. Open up to the Spirit and He will keep teaching you.

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4

When we fail to read the Bible, we miss a lot and cheat ourselves. We must not allow the hustle and bustle of these last days rob us of the gains of searching the scriptures!

Ok, back to the main issue of my journal 😀:

Hezekiah was the one who committed an error. He failed to acknowledge God for all He did for him but both Jerusalem and Judah suffered for it.
This is alarming, though it does happen!

There are times we carelessly do some things which result in errors.

It however, sent me praying that God will keep me from becoming a victim of someone else’s error; that I will not be a partaker of someone else’s mistake; nor suffer for someone else’s foolish action or decision.

I pray also against error and mistakes in my life. I pray for God to guide, lead and direct my actions and decisions in life. I pray for Him to lead me away from the path of error, but to lead me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.(Psalm 23:3)

Hence the need to pray more for those who occupy positions of authority in our Nations, communities, workplaces, families and in our lives. We must therefore learn to pray against error & mistakes!

Note that if the pilot of an aircraft commits an error while flying, the consequences are not borne by him alone!

May you & I not become victims of someone else’s error or mistakes. Amen.


©️ Funmi Adebayo

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