“But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,…. And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus….. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.” John 20:11-16

While I cannot claim any passage of the Bible as my favorite, this, however is one of the scriptures that touch me so much each time I go through the Gospel of John. I simply love the whole scenario and I’m blessed by the outcome of Mary’s experience at the sepulcher.

Meanwhile, as I went through the book of John over and over again in the past few days, I saw a new dimension to the experience of Mary. I am particularly fascinated by the dogged determination of Mary to see the crucified body of Jesus in the tomb but how she was disappointed to find it otherwise. What could have happened? Who took His body? Why did they do so? These were the questions that probably ran through her mind and she did not hesitate to ask whoever she saw; having ran to inform the other disciples in the first instance.

Another thing that fascinates me about Mary is the fact that she stayed back at the tomb, while the senior disciples went back to their own homes! One would have expected it to be otherwise! But Mary was the one that persisted and looked again into the tomb, weeping! (I am touched!) She seemed to be saying to herself, “this must not be so! This cannot be the end!” She tarried, expecting to see the broken, crucified body of Jesus, peacefully laid in the tomb. I think she would have even been satisfied, seeing the dead body. It didn’t seem she was expecting more than that; an experience that would have given her some level of peace. She didn’t seem to be expecting to see the resurrected and glorified body but alas, Mary had an encounter that no one else had at that time. Mary saw Jesus alive; risen from the dead; in a glorified body but before she knew, she mistook Him for a gardener!

She was so passionate in her plea about where the body of her Lord Jesus was taken; until she heard the voice!! That great voice that called Lazarus forth from the grave; the voice that the stormy sea heard and became still…Mary heard the voice of Jesus; she recognized the voice! It was unbelievable! She was expecting to see a still dead body who could no longer talk, but she encountered the risen savior who called her by her name. She saw Jesus live, while all the other disciples had gone back to their own homes! MARY GOT MORE THAN SHE EXPECTED!

Wow! I am thrilled by this encounter. I saw the beauty and blessedness of tarrying; of holding on; of not giving up too soon! I saw the blessedness of encountering Jesus’ visitation beyond any human expectation. I saw the fulfilment that can be experienced, when we stay longer, seeking Jesus, even when all others have left (including the Bishops and Apostles). I saw that, I don’t have to leave because others have left; I don’t have to stop seeking, calling, praying, believing, trusting and hoping because others have left. I saw the blessedness of staying back and standing yet before the Lord. I saw that Jesus Christ will ultimately show up for me, if I don’t give up waiting and believing.

Beloved, may I encourage you to tarry in believing, in prayers, in hope, in faith and in expectation? Remember well, that the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18). Don’t give up too soon; do not be discouraged; keep waiting on Him, for He shall surely show up.

I pray for you and myself, that as we tarry before Him, the Lord Jesus Christ will show up for us in ways that are ever beyond our expectations. May He bring me (& you) an overflowing joy in response to and beyond our heart desires according to His will. Like Mary experienced, may every seen and unseen tears be wiped off as Jesus shows up for us. Amen!

© Funmi Adebayo

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