1 Samuel 1:9-10
“So Hannah rose up ….. and prayed to the Lord….”
Hannah was a woman who had a personal connection with God! She knew God personally.
Though her family visited Shiloh annually, she didn’t base all her knowledge or relationship only on what the family did or prayed! She did not even base it on the general program at Shiloh.
It got to a point that Hannah got up for herself and sought God for herself. She made and pleaded a case with God.
To make any meaningful relationship, we must get connected with God as individuals. We must move from the level of general knowledge to that of personal knowledge.

Are you connected? Do you know God personally? Can you move out of the crowd to a level of personal fellowship and relationship with God? Hannah did, and her situation changed!
Step up! Move up yonder! Get connected and upgrade your life and situation in God!