Do you Know Him?

When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” Mt 16:13-15

As the page of the month of April closes and opens at the other side into May, a thought began to creep up my mind: The sovereignty of God in human affairs.

At the beginning of the year 2020, no single mortal on Earth knew April would be a “lockdown month”. Nobody saw Corona virus coming up to take the centre stage in World event! The astrologers did not see it, neither did the meteorologist! The soothsayers never knew it was coming neither did the prophets. But God knew! Jesus knew it all!

We all had made various plans for: programs, journeys, events, investments etc in April but these had to be put on hold while some held virtually and low keyed.

As I began to meditate and thank God for bringing us to the end of this month, a song kept streaming in my Spirit. It was:

I know who holds tomorrow by Alison Krauss

We didn’t know what was waiting for us in April as at the beginning of March. We all were still making plans and schedules towards the second quarter of the year but as March roared to an end, events took a new turn.

Country by country, news filtered in. The plague was dealing some blows and Infecting people.

But the lyrics of Alison Krauss captures it all….

1. I don’t know about tomorrow
I just live from day to day
I don’t borrow from it’s sunshine
For its skies may turn to gray
I don’t worry o’er the future
For I know what Jesus said
And today I’ll walk beside Him
For He knows what is ahead

Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand

2. I don’t know about tomorrow
It may bring me poverty (increase)
But the one who feeds the sparrow
Is the one who stands by me
And the path that be my portion
May be through the flame or flood
But His presence goes before me
And I’m covered with His blood

As mortals, we are limited in what we know. As believers, we know only as far as the Lord reveals to us by His Spirit but there is a great more that we know as believers: it is “He, who holds tomorrow and yet hold our hands

Oh, what beauty! What assurance! What an awesome thing! To know Jesus Christ who holds tomorrow and to have Him holding your hands!

If the Lord holds my hands, I can go to sleep in his arms because I am safe and secure. I can rest in His love because, He then is my shield!

In a world full of uncertainties, the greatest comfort and security then is in the arms of Jesus Christ!

May I ask you, “where are you?” “Who or what is holding you or carrying you?” “Do you know this Jesus”? “Is He holding you in His hands or arms”?

Arrows are flying, destruction is wasting lives, pestilences are stalking…. but Jesus is waiting to carry and shield you!

Run into His arms! Stretch your hand into His! You don’t know the next minute, but He knows the whole of tomorrow! He knows what the next month holds! He knows the future!

Get into His arms! Get to know Jesus more intimately! He will secure your future for He holds tomorrow!




Funmi Adebayo

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