“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” Matthew 2:1-2
Globally, preparations are agog for the celebration of Christmas! Christmas trees, lights, sales, shopping, gifts etc. Even those who presently have no relationship with the Christ of Christmas are not left out of the excitement in the air! Multitudes of people who have an understanding of the purpose of Christmas are making effort to help those outside the fold, get to hear and know about the purpose of the birth of the Saviour! Just like the wise men who brought the good news to Jerusalem, efforts are on, to touch lives by sharing the good news of the birth of Christ. Halleluyah!
The wise men from the “East” saw HIS Star and they came to worship the Saviour!
According to Wikipedia, the “East” most often includes Asia, the Mediterranean region and the Arab world. From other findings, I discovered that the “East” comprises majority nations of the continents of Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa. This is the region with the bulk population of people in the world who are yet without the gospel, the region of gospel poverty. People who still sit in the region of darkness are mostly concentrated in the Asia continent. In summary, majority of the people in the world who still need to see and hear about Jesus are in the “East”! It is the region where the majority population of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists reside! These ones need to see HIS Star and also come to worship Him. Those in the “East” are simply people yet far from the gospel!
As we all rejoice at the birth of Jesus, celebrating the reason why He came, exchanging gifts and doing merriments, let us remember those in the “East” who must also see His Star and come to worship Him. Let us pray for those in the “East” that they may come to Jesus especially as we celebrate His birth globally, this season. Pray against those strongholds that keep them blind; keeping them in darkness; holding them bound!
If there is one important thing you should do this season, it is to share the news of His birth with someone and seek to bring them to Him.
As we celebrate the birth of the Christ (whichever way we have planned to), may our entire lives bring Him worship! Amen!
Merry Christmas!
©Funmi Adebayo
6 thoughts on “They Saw HIS Star!”
Thanks for bringing the gospel angle. As we pray, may the Star of Bethlehem be seen, known and worshipped in the East
Evangelism is the sole aim of Christianity. May God continually help us in propagating His words to those yet to know Him in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
Amen & Amen!
This inspiring article is well appreciated ma.