“When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” And he cried to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a log, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made for them a statute and a rule, and there he tested them.” Exodus 15:23-25 ESV
The journey out of Egypt was a much anticipated one. The Israelites looked forward to it with high hopes and expectations. When they embarked on the journey and eventually crossed the Red Sea after some initial challenges, their jubilation was not a small one. They could see the hand of God in their affairs. It was certain God was with them. Moses and the people sang unto the Lord; Miriam took her tambourine leading the other women to do so too. They rejoiced at the goodness and faithfulness of God who led them out of the land of bondage into a new experience of enjoying the blessings and presence of God.
However, as they journeyed a little further into the wilderness, things took a new twist. They couldn’t get water to drink for three days. Things had become dry. Thirst had set in and every form of uneasiness followed. Water is life! It refreshes and hydrates.
Eventually, they found water at Marah, but the water that was supposed to refresh them had become bitter. They just couldn’t drink the water. No matter how thirsty they were, bitter water was a “No Go” area! They just couldn’t drink it! Water was available, but it was bitter!
In the process of the journey, what was supposed to refresh and give them comfort had become bitter. It was on their path in the course of the journey; the journey that began with much excitement and hope. However, here they were experiencing bitterness. They tasted bitterness, and it was unpleasant because they couldn’t have known until they tasted it, that the water was bitter.
The people didn’t know how to approach God directly, so they grumbled against Moses, who himself, called upon God, and solution was proferred!
When what is supposed to bring us joy has become unpleasant and possibly turned bitter, we must turn to the Lord. He alone can make sweet again, what has become bitter; making situations pleasant again.
May all things that are supposed to give you (& me) joy but have turned sour/unpleasant be reversed by the Lord. May whatever is supposed to refresh you (& me) but has turned bitter be visited by God for healing and restoration. May every bitter water be turned sweet again. Amen!
© Funmi Adebayo
2 thoughts on “The Bitter became Sweet!”
well-done ma, you are a blessing to our generation
Amen! Thanks.