Do Not Be Ignorant!

“About a week after he had said these things, Jesus took Peter, John and James with Him and went up a hill to pray. While he was praying, his face changed its appearance and His clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly two men were talking with Him. They were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in heavenly glory and talked with Jesus about the way He would soon fulfil God’s purpose by dying in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were sound asleep, but they woke up and saw Jesus glory and the two men who were standing with Him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to Him. “Master, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (He did not really know what he was saying). While he was still speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow and the disciples were afraid as the cloud came over them.” Luke 9:28-34(GNT)

It was indeed a great privilege to physically be in the company of Jesus Christ as Peter, John and James were. They were certainly not the only disciples that Jesus had, but He took them along with Him on such a very important trip and assignment.

However, it seemed they were quite ignorant of the prized privilege they had; sleeping at a time they were expected to be alert and praying. They seemed not to feel the heaviness of the burden in the heart of Jesus. They took those issues at the surface level and so, they slept while Jesus prayed!

It is possible to be with Jesus and involved in His service but ignorant of what is paramount in His agenda.

It was a privilege to see the glory of Jesus like they did and yet they were unfortunately dull of perception! These men were dull of understanding! They were ignorant!

While Moses and Elijah appeared to discuss important Kingdom issues with Jesus Christ, a matter which was next in the agenda and move of God on Earth, Peter and the other disciples woke up to see them and all he could contribute was how they could build perishable earthly tents. He and the other disciples were so much in the flesh that they could not login to the spirit realm! Peter was suggesting building earthly tents where Kingdom matters were being discussed.

No wonder the Bible says “he did not really know what he was saying”. He seemed to be babbling as far as Heaven was concerned. I could imagine the heavenly host wondering at their comments on such an important matter! I could imagine some angels discussing and saying among themselves: “what are we saying and what is Peter saying?” They were certainly not on the same page at all! The disciples were at that point, so Ignorant of the next move and program of God, even though Jesus had tried to bring them into the picture. What a wasted opportunity!

Beloved, where do you stand in the moves of God for your generation? Where do you stand in the understanding of the counsels and program of God in your days?

Are you just ignorantly hanging around Jesus or you are sensitively involved and contributing meaningfully into what He is doing or about to do?

God keeps moving; are you moving along or living in ignorance? Are you more concerned about building tents here on Earth or building His Kingdom? What are you contributing to the growth and progress of God’s moves on Earth?

It is time to awake out of slumber (if you are sleeping) and to consciously and meaningfully get involved in what matters to Heaven at this time in history. Do not be ignorant! Be an eagle in what God is doing!

As we move into another year, it is my sincere prayer, that you and I will be actively sensitive and contribute to the moves of God in our times and season. Amen!

Do Not Be Ignorant!

©Funmi Adebayo

From the desk of FunmiAdebayo Journals, here is signing out of the year 2020!

See you all again in the year 2021 by the grace of God, if Christ tarries. Amen!

“About a week after he had said these things, Jesus took Peter, John and James with Him and went up a hill to pray. While he was praying, his face changed its appearance and His clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly two men were talking with Him. They were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in heavenly glory and talked with Jesus about the way He would soon fulfil God’s purpose by dying in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were sound asleep, but they woke up and saw Jesus glory and the two men who were standing with Him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to Him. “Master, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (He did not really know what he was saying). While he was still speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow and the disciples were afraid as the cloud came over them.” Luke 9:28-34(GNT)

It was indeed a great privilege to physically be in the company of Jesus Christ as Peter, John and James were. They were certainly not the only disciples that Jesus had, but He took them along with Him on such a very important trip and assignment.

However, it seemed they were quite ignorant of the prized privilege they had; sleeping at a time they were expected to be alert and praying. They seemed not to feel the heaviness of the burden in the heart of Jesus. They took those issues at the surface level and so, they slept while Jesus prayed!

It is possible to be with Jesus and involved in His service but ignorant of what is paramount in His agenda.

It was a privilege to see the glory of Jesus like they did and yet they were unfortunately dull of perception! These men were dull of understanding! They were ignorant!

While Moses and Elijah appeared to discuss important Kingdom issues with Jesus Christ, a matter which was next in the agenda and move of God on Earth, Peter and the other disciples woke up to see them and all he could contribute was how they could build perishable earthly tents. He and the other disciples were so much in the flesh that they could not login to the spirit realm! Peter was suggesting building earthly tents where Kingdom matters were being discussed.

No wonder the Bible says “he did not really know what he was saying”. He seemed to be babbling as far as Heaven was concerned. I could imagine the heavenly host wondering at their comments on such an important matter! I could imagine some angels discussing and saying among themselves: “what are we saying and what is Peter saying?” They were certainly not on the same page at all! The disciples were at that point, so Ignorant of the next move and program of God, even though Jesus had tried to bring them into the picture. What a wasted opportunity!

Beloved, where do you stand in the moves of God for your generation? Where do you stand in the understanding of the counsels and program of God in your days?

Are you just ignorantly hanging around Jesus or you are sensitively involved and contributing meaningfully into what He is doing or about to do?

God keeps moving; are you moving along or living in ignorance? Are you more concerned about building tents here on Earth or building His Kingdom? What are you contributing to the growth and progress of God’s moves on Earth?

It is time to awake out of slumber (if you are sleeping) and to consciously and meaningfully get involved in what matters to Heaven at this time in history. Do not be ignorant! Be an eagle in what God is doing!

As we move into another year, it is my sincere prayer, that you and I will be actively sensitive and contribute to the moves of God in our times and season. Amen!

Do Not Be Ignorant!

©Funmi Adebayo

From the desk of FunmiAdebayo Journals, here is signing out of the year 2020!

See you all again in the year 2021 by the grace of God, if Christ tarries. Amen!

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