Dangerous Cravings!

“In Egypt we used to eat all the fish we wanted, and it cost us nothing. Remember the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic we had?… This will happen because you have rejected the Lord who is here among you and have complained to him that you should never have left Egypt.’ ” Numbers 11:5,20

On Your way to Canaan, Don’t crave Egypt! This was an error the Israelites got into.

When God is taking you forward to your promised land, don’t desire the Egypt of the past. Don’t crave the past; don’t look back; keep your gaze forward regardless of what the journey may present. The future God has for you is far glorious than the sweetness of the Egypt you left behind!

It’s really so sad that at every slightest opportunity, the children of Israel would remind Moses of Egypt; what they thought they gained in Egypt as against what they think they are missing now. What a myopic vision they had! Though they journeyed to Cannan (the promised land) their cravings were for Egypt; their hearts and desires were for Egypt. Does this then mean that though as believers, it may seem we are worshipping together, but our eyes are in the world? Could it be that our longings and desires are for the World while in the Church? Could it be that at every given opportunity, we resort to the old worldly methods of doing things or handling our matters? Does it mean if we are given the slightest opportunity, we will find our ways back into Egypt to satisfy our cravings?

What are the things you have left behind in your Christian journey? Please don’t crave them again! Don’t even think about them or how they were in any way beneficial to you, because they certainly are not fit for your new destination; they are likely to draw you back into bondage. Once you’ve left Egypt, face forward; keep moving; focus on the journey to the promised land. The road may not be as smooth as you expect, but keep moving; looking unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith! Adjust your tastebud to suit your new menu as you journey in the faith; while refusing to crave the old menu in the land of bondage.

There is a glory that awaits you; so while journeying to the promised land, don’t crave Egypt.

©Funmi Adebayo

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