“All this is done by God, who through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends and gave us the task of making others his friends also” 2 Corinthians 5:18
I was deeply fascinated by the Good News translation of this verse in the Bible. The work of salvation which God did through Christ became clearer going by this simple translation. The King James version of the Bible calls it reconciliation. We were reconciled to God and then given the ministry/ assignment/responsibility of reconciling others to God.
It is enough a thing to be far from someone, but to actually be an enemy is worse. Under natural human circumstances, no one treats an enemy or a perceived enemy with kids gloves; you do all you can to keep the enemy at an arm’s length or get the enemy off your back if you can.
An enemy is never welcome around you neither do you consider an enemy for a favour if possible.
So, as enemies of God, we were not on His priority list for favour, help, mercies, deliverance etc (even though He is a loving God). The enemies of God are very vulnerable to all the devil can do with their lives, because they are not within the circumference of grace.
That was the position where we were until God changed us into His friends. Halleluyah! We were enemies but He changed us (through the atoning work of Christ) into His friends! The benefits of being friends of God cannot be quantified; it can never ever be quantified. Oh, what a beautiful privilege we have!
God did the making, not because of what we did to earn it but grace worked for us. I am forever grateful for this!
However, that is not the end of the matter. There is a purpose for the privilege we have in Christ; a responsibility is attached to the place of privilege we have in Christ. Being friends of God is not just supposed to be a status symbol; it is a place of responsibility. Many believers however rejoice, celebrate and stop at the place of privilege. They dump the responsibility that is attached to the privilege.
Every bonafide son/daughter of God’s Kingdom has a responsibility attached to the privilege. You are not just expected to remain at the feast table in God’s kingdom; you are expected also to be on the field of bringing in the sheaves (lost souls); you are expected to carry out the task of making others, God’s friends as well; reconciling them back to God. Whatever your ministry in the body of Christ, it is not fully complete until through that platform, you reconcile God’s enemies back to Him; until you bring in lost souls to the Kingdom.
Beloved, where do you stand? Is it just at the level of enjoying the privileges of the kingdom, or you have moved up to being a responsible son/daughter of the kingdom? Are you fulfilling the task of the ministry of reconciliation; reconciling men back to God? Remember that at the end of our sojourn, God’s reward goes to those who in one way or another, have engaged in fulfilling the responsibilities of the Kingdom and not just only enjoying the privileges of the Kingdom.
It is not just enough to be born again sons and daughters, we must also become engaged servants, laboring for the increase of God’s Kingdom as we bring in others. Until this is achieved, such a life may just be a decoration in the Kingdom and not an asset!
O Lord, please help me to be an asset to your Kingdom. Help me to be faithful in the responsibility of reconciling men to God even as I enjoy the privileges of your Kingdom. Amen!

©Funmi Adebayo