Opportunities & Opponents!

“There is a real opportunity here for great and worthwhile work, even though there are many opponents.” 1 Corinthians 16:9 GNT

The combination of two opposites in this scripture usually attracts my attention for prayers! Having real opportunities yet, with many opponents, is a serious matter!.
One would have expected that when opportunities present themselves, it’s a roller coster all the way to achieving great outcomes. Opportunities are good and more, especially when they are maximized. They are launching pads for great achievements. May we continue to enjoy divine opportunities and privileges. Amen!

From the focal scripture, I discover that opportunities also have enemies; such enemies that wouldn’t want them to be maximized. The opponents were not just against Apostle Paul but also against his opportunities. When opportunities are frustrated, the recipient him/herself is limited or frustrated. When things that should work to make the opportunities favourable aren’t in place, opportunities are frustrated, and the results come out poorly. Hence, the need to deal with the many opponents that stand in the way of our opportunities.
The opponents can be in various formats, both external and internal. Often times, we look at and concentrate on external opponents (external and spiritual enemies or conditions) when we actually have to also deal with issues of internal opponents(the enemies within): character, attitudes, disposition, tendencies, belief system and practices etc. It is very important that we study ourselves to know those things that can possibly stand as opponents against the opportunities that God brings our way. Either external or internal, opponents bring limitations and we must ldentify and deal with them consistently. We must bring all matters of our opponents before God and not shy away from needing His help to deal with them all, especially the ones that are internal because though there are many physical and spiritual opponents; there are those which are possibly part of our composition/makeup and which unless are dealt with and taken away, can become limiting factors to our maximising opportunities. David said
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24 ESV

We need the help of God to fight the opponents of our opportunities and destinies, hence the need to do like David: bringing ourselves under the divine X-ray so the internal ones can be dealt with even as wrestle against the external ones which in some cases may both be physical and spiritual (remembering that some physical are also under the control of the spiritual forces).

My prayer is that in whichever ways the opponents of our success and progress manifest, may we overcome them and fully maximize all opportunities that God brings our way. Amen!

©Funmi Adebayo

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